Saturday, August 8, 2009

Trying to make coasters

I decided a few days ago to try and make coasters out of all the beautiful papers I have. I ordered some tiles, cut out my designs, and pieced them together. I then proceeded to coat my prints with modge podge to give them a hardier coating. Finally I topped them with Envirotex pour on high-gloss finish. This is where everything got difficult. My first set completely discolored. This must have been due to lack of modge podge so I triple coated all my other coasters. The second set came out quite well, however, there are small specks of dust on top. My next set I coated and put a large piece of tupperware on top to prevent any dust. This set came out great except some bubbles dried on top. Ugh!

Now I am trying my fourth set. I have them coated and sitting under the tupperware and every ten minutes for the next two hours I am blowing out the bubbles. I have noticed a couple of them have the slightest discoloring on the ends, but I'm hoping it's not that noticable.

These turned out to be a lot more difficult than I anticipated. Hopefully I'll get all my kinks worked out and these will be a new and lovely addition to my etsy shop. If they do work out I don't anticipate any listings for the next couple weeks or so.

1 comment:

  1. Carrie- What a lovely blog! Those coasters sound really pretty! Isn't blogging fun! I am your first follower. Come check mine out:

    What shows are you doing this fall? I live in the Portland area as well and have never done any shows. Thanks!
